Random Quote

"Grandma said this: When people love others, they become weaker, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. True weakness lies elsewhere."
-Souji Tendou from Kamen Rider Kabuto

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

I Feel Like Writing in English, so... Here We Go.

Hi guys, I know I haven't been posting anything useful lately (like this one's useful. not.) You're maybe wonderinjg why am I talking in English. The reson is... nothing. I just feel like doing it. You don't like that? suck it up, and press the red X button on the top right corner (red dot on top left corner for Mac users)

Okay... so... School is starting. again. joy? maybe.

If you are wondering something like "Isn't it fun to be back in school again?" My answer is: not really. why? because I'm moving to 10th grade or High School. That's bad enough, the second reason is, I'm alone. literally. everyone from Tarlim either go to Gonz, PL, SMAK1, or Pulor. Where do I go? SMAK Serpong. And... I'm the only guy that goes there, that's why I'm literally alone.

"Can't you find some new friends?" I can. But that took time. also, on the orientation days, I don't have anyone to ask or share stories, or shits like that. That's why it kinda sucked for me.

Put that aside, today I went to a party, my cousins getting married.

The party was AWESOME. At first it was the same, old, routine, going after some good foods, strolling around aimlessly afterwards, and so on. but this time, there's a dance session held at night, that session was fun. Not only the teenagers got to dance, but the middle-aged one got on the dance floor as well! Even someone around her 60s joined us, it was hillarious. We also do the limbo dance.

Oh yeah, my cousins friend from Singapore also joined us. I wonder how did they afford the ticket for the flight.Ah well, their problem. Since those guys don't understand Indonesian, we decided to pull a prank on them. We gave them "traditional Clothes" some of them includes Satay Seller clothe, "emak-emak" clothe, farmer clothe and etc. And we ask them to repeat some lines prepared. Which is Palembang, Java, and other Indonesian Language. We also force them to dance like an idiot and say those words with specialized tone. The result? hillarious.

Point is: one of the best parties I have ever attended in my life. for now at least.

Ah well, nothing to say anymore.

Good Luck bro, best of  wishes and have a happy life with her.

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